What was once a natural parenting blog has evolved into a clean eating mother's blog with recipes, family posts, etc
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Smarti Pants cloth diaper winner
Rafflecopter has selected Jennifer Estep as the winner of one Smarti Pants cloth diaper, in the color of her choice. She has until Thursday 9/1 at 11 AM Central Time to return my email with her mailing information. If she does not respond, a new winner will be chosen and announced on my blog. Jennifer completed ALL entries, including posting about the giveaway. Thank you to her!!
I verified the legitimacy of all entries, and had to delete a few due to duplication. I'm hoping it was a rafflecopter error. When you enter my giveaways, please be honest :-)
Thank you to all the entrants! Please continue to follow my blog, the Rockin' Green review/giveaway will be posted soon! I've also got a few others to come after that. I don't want Letters from Momma to simply be reviews/giveaways only, therefore, I won't be posting more than one at a time :-)
A big thank you to Smarti Pants for sponsoring Letters from Momma's first ever giveaway!! I am still in love with this diaper! It keeps G drier than any of her other diapers and is very easy to stuff, wash, and use!
Thank you! I have never won anything before! I am so excited... I have emailed you, so you should be getting that soon. I will deff keep following your blog! Again Thank you!