
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Look What I Can Do Ma!! Wordless on Wednesday

G pulled up in her crib for the first time this Monday!!

It was a SUPER proud day for this momma. Of all of my baby pictures, one that sticks out the most if of me standing up in my crib for the first time...and now G's got her own picture of her first time standing up!

I opened the door to get her from her first nap on Monday 10-17...and what did I see???
She was standing up! It was totally unexpected, so I ran to get the camera. By the time I came back, turned the light on, figured out what was wrong with the camera, and lined up to snap the picture...she was so confused and started crying! I had to cheer her on so that she'd smile again for me! It was quite comical--I was sort of spazing out. I was so excited for her!! She could tell, too, because she was in the best mood for the next few hours!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So fun that you were able to get a pic for the first time. What a cutie! It took me several times to catch my daughter in the act. I would see she was standing on the monitor, but by the time I got in there to snap a picture she would be sitting again playing with her blanket. Now it's a regular occurrence and I love it!

  3. How exciting! I'm impressed you were able to get it on camera!

  4. Hopping by from The Mid-week Hopalong. Congrats on the milestone! Following you on GFC and Twitter.
    By the way, I love what you're doing over here. Let me know if you're interested in joining me on Triberr.

  5. Aww, and she is so proud of herself!! Happy Wednesday!

  6. YAY!! What a cute picture of an awesome milestone. Definitely please with herself.
    Would love if you could stop by and link up

  7. good for her! Now watch out for the climbing LOL
    glad to have found you and I'm now a GFC fan
    Hope u will chk us out too at

  8. So cute! My little guy threw himself out recently. Time for a big boy bed!!

    Jen- Happy WW!

  9. How cute! I am your newest follower! You can visit me at

    Beki :)


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