
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Five - Gratitude

This week I am thankful for:

The wonderful weather yesterday and the afternoon of fun that my husband's job provided for us. We went to a local cider mill for a free lunch and admission to the pumpkin patch/corn maze/etc... We went last year too, but the baby was still in my belly, so I'm thankful we were able to share the experience with her! We met up with another family, so that was nice to let the babies interact.

My husband's cousins are coming down today, for more than just the evening, so they'll get to play with G. I'm really thankful we like hanging out so much! We have plenty in common and they love the baby. I'm hoping we'll get to take her to the park, too. I'm making baked potato soup for dinner--yum!

I'm thankful for G sleeping "okay" last night. I'll post sleep logs later, so you'll see what I mean. It wasn't a great night, but I did get to sleep from 10:50 to 5:20, and 5:45 - 7 (due to my husband getting up to volunteer at the pancake breakfast) so I'll take that.

I'm thankful for my husband's job. I bought a LOT of groceries yesterday because I am feeding two other people today and Tuesday...thankfully we have the money to feed others. I'm happy to share what we have, even if it's not a lot.

I'm thankful for our health. Cliche or not, we are pretty healthy people, and I thank God for that today.

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1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had allot of fun and the weather looks pretty spectacular. New follower from the hop hope you can come by and say hello.


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