
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Unreliable Sleep Log Report

This is a little over a week's worth of sleep logs for G. We did Tylenol before bed several nights because her teeth were really bugging her, and we hoped that'd help her sleep. We had some glimmers of hope Saturday-Monday nights, but now we are back to craziness. Her top teeth are bulging out, so it's only a matter of time before those cut through. You'll see that at the end of the log, her nights get pretty close to perfect...but then start back down into the crappy multiple night waking pattern.
Ugh! I know every families' burden is different, ours just happens to be having a terrible teether. I'm trying not to complain about our problem, because I know it could be one a lot bigger, but it's hard not to. At eight months old, G is sleeping about 12-13 hours a day, taking 1 or 2 naps, and going to bed around 7:15. In general, teething and poop are our sleep nemesis. I think she is on the brink of switching to one nap a day (saaaaad!), and that's causing some sleep issues, as are the recent round of shots.

Monday - pretty typical day
Tylenol before bed
Ns: 8 - 4:30, 8:30
Eat: 4:40
Ns: 4:55 - 6:15, 1:20
Eat: 6:17
Ns: 6:45 - 8, 1:15
Tons: 11:05
Eat: 8:30
Eat: 10:20
Nap: 10:30 - 11:25, 55m
Solids: 12
Eat: 2:20
Nap: 2:35 - 3:05, 30m
Solids: 6
Eat: 7:15
Total: 12:30, 2 nw
Wt: 2:30 / 3:10 / 4:15
Meal: 6, 2 solids

Tuesday - crappy second nap and then we had dinner plans, so it messed up bed time too
Tylenol before bed
Ns: 7:20 - 2:20, 7
Eat: 2:45
Ns: 3:05 - 6:10, 3:05
Eat: 6:15
Ns: 6:30 - 7:15, 45
tons: 10:50
Eat: 9:15
Nap: 9:25 - 10:05, 40m
Solids: 11:55
Eat: 1
Nap: 1:15 - 1:30, 15m
No nap extension or recovery
Eat: 3:45
Solids: 6:45
Eat: 7:45
Total: 11:45, 2 nw
Wt: 2:10 / 3:10 / 6:45 (no early bed time because we were at friends house)
Meal: 6, 2 solids

Wednesday - typical day
Tylenol before bed
Ns: 8:15 - 2:35, 6:20
Eat: 3:15
Ns: 3:30 - 6:30, 3
Eat: 6:40
Ns: 7:05 - 8:50, 1:45
Tons: 11:05
Eat: 10
Nap: 11:30 - 12:05, 35m
Solids: 12:30
Eat: 3:10
Nap: 3:20 - 3:50, 30m
Eat: 5:35
Solids: 6:10
Eat: 7:15
Total: 12:10, 2 nw
Wt: 2:40 / 3:15 / 3:25
Meals: 6, 2 solids

Thursday - weirdest night waking! She was awake and not screaming. I ended up going to feed her after an hour so that she'd go back to sleep
Ns: 7:30 - 3:30, 8 - happy/tiny bit fussy for over an hour!
Eat: 4:40
Ns: 5 - 7:30, 2:30
Tons: 10:30
Eat: 7:45
Eat: 9:10
Nap: 9:20 - 10, 40m
Solids: 12:20
Eat: 1:10
Nap: 1:20 - 2:40, 1:20
Eat: 5:30
Solids: 6:30
Eat: 7:45
Total: 12:30, 1 nw
Wt: 1:50 / 3:20 / 5:05
Meals: 6, 2 solids

Friday - CRAPPY night!
Ns: 8 - 9, 1
Tylenol at 9:15 (fail :-( )
Nurse: 9:15
Ns: 9:40 - 12, 2:20
Nurse: 12:15
Ns: 12:30 - 4:20, 3:50
Tylenol: 4:25
Eat: 4:25
Ns: 4:35 - 7, 2:25
Ns: 7:05 - 8:30, 1:25
Tons: 11
Eat: 9:30
Eat: 10:40
Nap: 10:50 - 12:50, 2
Solids: 1:15
Eat: 4:15
Nap: 4:30 - 5, 30m
Solids: 7
Eat: 7:45
Total: 13:30, 4 nw
Wt: 2:20 / 3:40 / 3:10
Meals: 6, 2 solids

Saturday - night was crappy and then we traveled, so the day was all screwy
Tylenol before bed
Ns: 8:10 - 12, 3:50
Eat: 12:15
Ns: 12:35 - 2:25, 1:50
Eat: 2:30
Ns: 2:40 - 6, 3:20
Eat: 6:08
Ns: 6:15 - 8, 1:45
Tons: 10:45
Eat: 9:30
Nap (car): 10:30 - 10:55, 25m
Tried to nurse: 12:50
Solids: 1
Eat: 1:55
Nap: 2:10 - 2:45, 35m
Eat: 5:10
Solids: 6:30
Eat: 7:15
Total: 11:45, 3 nw
Wt: 2:30 / 3:15 / 4:45
Meals: 7, 2 solids

Sunday - this night was pretty magical, but we were at a friends, and I couldn't sleep well, so I didn't get to enjoy G's good night
Ns: 7:30 - 10:10; 2:40 (first time in FOREVER I didn't nurse her to get her calm)
Ns: 10:25 - 3:30; 5:05 (didn't go to her at all)
Ns: 3:40 - 7, 3:20
Tons: 11:05 (didn't eat all night!!)
Eat: 7:15
Eat: 9:55
Nap: 10:10 - 10:45, 35m
Solids: 11:45
Eat: 2:30
Nap in car: 3:10 - 4:10, 1
Solids: 6:15
Eat: 7
Total: 12:40, 2 nw (no feedings)
Wt: 3:10 / 4:35 / 3:10
Meals: 4, 2 solid

Monday - would have been an AMAZING night, but for some reason, she had a blow out at 4:45. Also, the first 1 nap day...
Ns: 7:20 - 4:45 clean up poop explosion 9:25
Eat: 5:05
Ns: 5:35 - 7:25, 1:50
Tons: 11:15
Eat: 8:15
Eat: 11
Nap: 11:10 - 12:55, 1:45
Solids: 1:30
Eat: 4:40
Solids: 6:20
Eat: 7:05
Total: 13, 1 nw
Wt: 3:45 / 6:25
Meals: 5, 2 solid

Tuesday - good night and good naps!
Ns: 7:20 - 5:20, 10 (shots in the prior afternoon)
Eat: 5:35
Ns: 6 - 6:40, 40m
Tons: 10:40
Eat: 8:20
Nap: 8:40 - 10:20, 1:40
Solids: 11:30
Eat: 12:50
Nap: 1:10 - 2:20, 1:10
Eat: 3:45
Solids: 6:10
Eat: 7:05
Total: 12:30, 1 nw
Wt: 2 / 2:50 / 5
Meals: 5, 2 solids

Wednesday - blaming shots for the return to crappy nights...also only one nap again
Ns: 7:25 - 10:35, 3:10
Tylenol: 11:25 (weird screaming, seemed like crazy pain cry?)
Eat: 11:35
Ns: 12 - 4:20, 4:20
Eat: 4:40
Ns: 5:10- 6:30, 1:20
Eat: 7
Ns: 7:20 - 7:40, 20
Tons: 9:10
Eat: 10:35
Nap: 10:50 - 11:20, 30
NE: 11:50 -12:50, 1
Solids: 1:10
Eat: 3:45 (tried for nap after, fail)
Solids: 6:15
Eat: 7:10
Total: 10:40
Wt: 3:10 / 6:35
Meals: 6, 2 solids

asleep for Thursday--7:25


  1. Wow, that sounds like quite the crazy roller coaster. Alethea hasn't had any teeth come in yet so I don't know what teething will be like for us. So far we have just had her crying in her sleep (but not waking up completely) lately so we might be on the brink of it. I am so thankful for our video monitor though because I am able to see if she is really awake or not so I don't go in there unless she does wake up. Hope you are able to find a solution. I think we are right there with you on the 1 nap thing pretty soon, but who knows what changes will happen over the next month! :-)

  2. Oh, yes,'s nuts! Last night/today was even crazier. Our current issue is poop in the middle of the night--UGH!! It's messing everything up


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