
Monday, November 21, 2011

Eco Sprout Cloth Diaper Detergent Review and Giveaway

Since my last post about cloth diaper laundry, some pretty important things in our routine have changed. I've altered the detergent we are using and consequently lowered the amount of rinses we have to do to rid our diapers of detergent residue. Therefore, our total wash time is down. I also haven't had to stand over the washer and skim off excess soap bubbles, as with previous detergents. This is making me a much happier cloth diaper momma. I can still appreciate the old cloth diaper detergent we were using, because it got the job done, but it took a lot more time and energy. Easy-to-use and time-saving are two very important qualities in any product, so I prefer our new detergent much more. Because cloth diaper laundry routines are a somewhat personal balance, what works for one family may not work for another...but I am here to tell you about the cloth diaper detergent that has saved my sanity.
Eco Sprout Cloth Diaper Detergent.

It's pretty new to the cloth diaper scene (about a year old), but well worth your time to check out. I sought out Jared Edwards, the work-at-home-dad behind Eco Sprout, after seeing it at my local cloth diaper store. I was there looking for something to mix up our laundry routine because I still wasn't happy with the number of rinses I need to do. My diapers were having left over suds with our old detergent, despite the few good cycles we had after first switching to it. I told the saleslady this, and she brought my attention to a cute display of little cloth sacks next to the larger brand of detergent that I reviewed a few months ago. Rather than bold designs, Eco Sprout comes in a minimalist unbleached cotton sack with a drawstring closure (the detergent is contained inside with a plastic bag with zip-top). The sprout logo is perfect for an eco-friendly company whose motto is "Green From The Ground Up."

I had to try Eco Sprout, and Jared kindly sent me some to test out on G's diapers. I've also been using it on her baby clothes. Maybe someday I'll even switch to using it for all of our laundry.

Rather than do a quick review of the detergent, it's been in use at our house for several weeks now to be sure I knew how I felt about it. I have no complaints with Eco Sprout, even with our hard water. It washes out perfectly, while leaving the diapers fresh, smelling clean, and looking great. I think a lot of cloth diaper parents agree with me because the website is flooded with rave reviews.

My Review

Wash cycle
See how clear and free of bubbles the water is?! (final rinse)
Diaper & baby-safe ingredients. Eco Sprout detergent is made from sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate, natural water softeners, sodium carbonate, sodium sulfate, natural & biodegradable surfactants (Natural fragrance in scented formulas). G's diapers are clean and fresh after using Eco Sprout. They are also really soft--not crunchy. Eco Sprout rinses completely out of her diapers, and I love that her bottom is rash free.

Scents you can actually smell, but wash out. "We use only natural essential oils of the highest grade in our detergent. The amount of oils used in each batch is just enough to give you the great scents you love without being over-powerful. The oil also rinses out through the washing process so it does not leave a residue or harm your diapers. If you are afraid of voiding your diaper's warranty then feel free to use our unscented version: In The Buff." -

Eco Sprout comes in the following scents:
Warm Vanilla Sugar
Ocean Breeze
Lavender Chamomile
Fresh Linen
Baby Powder
Vanilla Sandalwood
Green Tea (newest scent)
seasonal - Sweet Pumpkin Spice
unscented - In The Buff

I have been reviewing the Green Tea Eco Sprout scent. It smells great--very refreshing! I love detergent that you can actually smell. Sometimes you get detergent smells that seem very faint--but not Eco Sprout. It makes the laundry room smell a lot better than expected with dirty diapers around. I was also lucky enough to win a free sample of Warm Vanilla Sugar Eco Sprout for writing a haiku poem on Sew is Your Baby's facebook page right around the same time I got my Green Tea scented bag for review from Eco Sprout. I love it too! It smells just like the soap or lotion you get from Bath & Body Works!

Variety of sizes. There are four size options so that you can try smaller bags if you are still trying to find a detergent that works for your family--or once you know you love it, get the better deal by buying the largest bag. I like that Eco Sprout offers a sample pack so that you can try all of the scent options!

96 ounce bags will do 96 - 192 loads for $24.98
48 ounce bags will do 48 - 96 loads for $13.98
24 ounce bags will do 24 - 48 loads for $7.98
2 ounce sample bags will do 2 - 4 loads for $1.75
The sample pack option is $13.76 with 8 scents if you can't decide which variety you'd like to commit to.

Family Company. Jared manufactures the detergent and runs the daily business activities of Eco Sprout.  He wanted detergent that was sensitive enough for cloth diaper laundry (and babies' bottoms), strong enough to fight ammonia smells, and great for the rest of his family's laundry too. He created Eco Sprout to be non-toxic, natural, and eco-friendly after doing months of research and experimenting.

Eco Sprout also makes Bottom Spray to use at diaper changes, Bottom Balm+ to protect baby's skin, and 'Breathe...Again' Pail Freshener to balance out the ammonia pH in your pail.

Check out Eco Sprout's FAQ page for any more questions you might have, and see their washing suggestions here.

You can buy detergent directly from Eco Sprout's website. Have you seen Eco Sprout at your local retailer? It's also in many online stores, too. Check the retailer listings on their website.

You can enter to win a 24 ounce bag of Eco Sprout in Letters from Momma's giveaway. Use the Rafflecopter form below (be sure to wait for it to load). If you need Rafflecopter help please see this link or email me.

I received a 24 ounce bag of Eco Sprout to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own and not affect by the sponsor, yours may differ. Read giveaway rules. Facebook is not affiliated with or liable for any part of this giveaway. Facebook entry options are not mandatory.


  1. My lil one isn't here yet so we don't use any as of yet, but I have heard wonderful things about Eco Sprout and would love to try it.

  2. I use country save on cloth diapers =)

  3. the closest retailer is at My Baby Pumpkin in Watertown, WI

  4. I haven't used any yet to clean dirty diapers, but I did prep our cloth diapers with Rockin' Green. I haven't heard of Eco Sprout, and I'd love to try it early on in the cloth diapering process so I can pinpoint the best (or my favorite) and not have to worry too much about switching from detergent to detergent.

  5. The closest retailer is Sweet Bottoms Baby Boutique in Fuquay Varina, but that's still a bit of a ways for me!

  6. I currently use rockin' green. I love their scents, and that's what makes me interested in
    EcoSprout also. (mamagatzemeyer at gmail dot com)

  7. I currently use rocking green. I have heard good things about ecosprout, but don't like to spend the money to try soemthing new when what I have works

  8. There is actually an ecosprout retailer about an hour from me! who knew. :D

  9. I currently use Eco Sprout on my cloth diapers and love it!!

    graceink at yahoo dot com

  10. The closest retailer for me is Simply Green Baby in Oakville, ON...but that's driving across the border, so that's why I always order Eco Sprout online at Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique!

    graceink at yahoo dot com

  11. I will be using cloth diapers when our little one arrives! I love that the Eco Sprout detergent is scented, but that it washes out.

  12. Cutie Tooties in Knoxville is closest to me.

  13. I currently use Eco Sprout. I tried it once and loved it, but it's so expensive for the amount I have to use for it to work for me. I'd love to win some to be able to keep using it!

    gothickornchic at gmail dot com

  14. The retailer closest to me is Cloth Diapers To Go in Silver Bay, MN

    gothickornchic at gmail dot com

  15. We haven't started yet, baby due in a couple weeks :)

  16. I currently use a homemade cloth diaper detergent, but I also love Redemption Soap!

  17. We use the bumGenius detergent and BacOut. I'm interested in trying an eco-friendly detergent that is good for cloth diapers.

  18. i currently am using tiny bubbles but have tried a number of detergents and have yet to find the right one for us. I am interested in trying ecosprout since finding it at a local store and love that it's an all natural detergent and ecofriendly

  19. We currently use Eco Sprout!! We love Warm Vanilla Sugar for our diapers. It leaves our diapers smelling fesh and has reduced the amount of rashes our daughter has :)

  20. Ruby Moon is what I have bought so far, but we wont start CDing until LO is born in December! But Eco sprouts is one I want to try.

  21. I was using Tiny Bubbles (hated it!) & just started using Ruby Moon. Not sure how it works just yet. I would like to try EcoSprout, but the price has kept me from ordering any. I would love to win so I can try it too!

  22. I live in Texas & there are 4 retailers in the state, but the closest one is in Waxahachie, over 220 miles from me! And I live just outside the biggest city in the state!

  23. I just switched to EcoSprout - so to give it a fair test drive - I'd LOVE some for free!

  24. Closest one is 54 minutes away - in Orland Park, IL

  25. I currently am using Eco Sprout! I love how clean it gets my diapers and we don't have stink issues with it!

  26. in West Chester, PA is the closest, but that's not really that close. I'm surprised there aren't any retailers in MD.

  27. I currently use Rockin Green, although my diapers are starting to have "clean" issues. Maybe it's the water in our house, but I am thinking of switching.
    rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

  28. Happybottomus is closest, I wish there were retailers in missouri!
    rasmith0506 at gmail dot com

  29. Currently Dreft, but I am really considering an ecologic detergent instead.

  30. I currently use Rockin' Green and am considering a switch since I'm having ammonia issues once again.

  31. Planet Bambini Bakersfield, CA is closest to me.

  32. never tried them before, would like to!

    tristazmail yahoo com

  33. I currently use Rockin' Green, but I have used Eco Sprout as well -- they are both great, natural products. ngiraldi at gmail dot com

  34. I use Eco Sprout now in the Warm Vanilla Sugar along with Rockin Green detergent as well. I'm quite impressed with both products!

  35. Little American Pocket Diapers in Waxahachie, TX is the closest retailer for me.

  36. I currently use Charlie's soap.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  37. I don't cloth diaper yet, but plan to use natural soap when I do. I love that this is made by a small business.

    jsapalio at yahoo dot com

  38. is the closest retailer.

    jsapalio at yahoo dot com

  39. I currently use Charlie's Soap.

    vnsscarv [!at] gmail[!dot]com

  40. I'm new to CD'ing and have only used tiny bubbles. Can't say I'm very pleased with it. Have actually been considering Eco sprout..there is a retailer fairly close by.

  41. Closest retailer is Babies Bottoms and More in Farmers Branch, TX.

  42. Currently I either use a wash ball or my own detergent

    hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com

  43. I use economic sprout and love it!

  44. We use Eco Sprout, and it is the best! I am in awe of this product. Nothing can come close to cleaning any laundry like this stuff does.

  45. We are using Ecos Free & Clear detergent with some baking soda and vinegar. Our pre-folds are coming out a bit stiff. I just picked up 2 sample packs of Eco sprout and would love to win more to try after reading so many good reviews!

  46. The closest retailer is a state away in California - Planet Bambini in Bakersfield!

  47. We just started CDing and opted for Rockin Green first.

  48. OMG, the closest retailer to me is in Silver Bay, MN. I haven't even heard of that city/town.

  49. i currently use tide for my diapers and i've had multiple recommendations for eco sprout, went to their fb page, and saw this giveaway :)

  50. didn't see any listings for IN so my next closest is probably IL

  51. I use Eco Sprout in the Green Tea scent. I've only used it a few weeks and I love it!

  52. Happybottomus is the closest retailer to me, but I prefer Itsy Bitsy Bums. :)

  53. I recently switched to using EcoSprout for cloth diapers. I had used Country Save for a long time, but found the diapers were not getting as clean and having an ammonia odor as my son grew and ate other foods. I switched to Thirsties Pre-wash and Super Wash hoping that would help, but still had the same problem. I tried EcoSprout on a whim and LOVE it. It gets the diapers really clean, takes out the nasty ammonia smell and leaves the diapers smelling lovely (currently they smell like Pumpkin Spice...yum!) I can't recommend EcoSpout enough!!

  54. There are no retailers in Indiana where I live. I buy my EcoSprout from Sweetbottoms Boutique ( because they have free shipping. :)

  55. I don't use cloth diapers but I am interested to try this new detergent on my baby's clothes, they are as in contact with his skin as the diapers

  56. darn! none retailers are close where I live =(

  57. I currently use Rockin' Green, and wold love to try this one out!

  58. Not currently CDing, but I like that Eco Sprout is all natural.

    all natural katie
    allnaturalkatie at gmail dot com

  59. No close retailer. We're in Ohio.

    all natural katie
    allnaturalkatie at gmail dot com

  60. I do not have a detergent yet. Honestly, I like Eco Sprout for the price. I was expecting to have to pay more!

  61. Nurtured Baby boutique is the closest to where I live.

  62. I do not currently use cloth diapers, but I have been doing a lot of research on them. I have heard good things about Eco Sprouts.

  63. West Chester, PA

    I def. have to buy online lol

    tristazmail yahoo com

  64. I am currently using a free and clear detergent

  65. I use either my robby wash ball or a homemade detergent. I would like to try something new. what Im doing isnt working, I have stink issues.
    spottedjagiwar at yahoo dot com

  66. I currently use Charlie's Soap or Eco Sprout!

  67. There aren't any retailers near me! I'd have to go to California. :(

  68. I currently use Rockin Green or All Free & Clear, I would love love love to try a new product though!! Send some Eco Sprout Love my way Please :)

  69. I am new to CDing and currently use All Free and Clear. I'd like to start trying some diaper detergent.

  70. We use Tide free & clear but I am always interested in trying something new! -Sharon M

  71. There aren't any retailers near me but I do most of my shopping online anyway! -Sharon M

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.


  74. Planet Bambini Bakersfield, CA IS CLOSEST TO ME

  75. I use homemade laundry detergent to save money... but I love EcoSprout products!

  76. I currently use Rockin' Green Classic Rock, but I am always interested in trying new cleaning products

  77. Says Happybotomus but they only have Rockin green there.

  78. I do not yet use cloth diapers. I am interested in scents that can easily wash out

  79. Country Save

  80. We currently use Tide but I would lve to find something more natural that still gets my diapers clean!

  81. The closest retailer to me is Diaper Junction in VA Beach.


Thanks for leaving a comment! Have a great day!