What was once a natural parenting blog has evolved into a clean eating mother's blog with recipes, family posts, etc
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Thirsties Cloth Diaper Review & Giveaway
Thirsties is first brand I remember learning about while researching cloth diapers during my pregnancy. I read such rave reviews about their products--especially the diaper covers and wraps. Consequently, Thirsties was one of the brands in my first-ever fluff purchase. I bought some Thirsties' Duo Hemp Prefolds (size 1) and an extra-small diaper cover. Until this review, my only experience with Thirsties has been with prefolds, inserts, and covers. Their hemp prefolds are the most absorbent diaper I've experienced (thirsty...Thirsties...get it?!?), so I use them alone OR as a night time doubler. But, as you've probably read around my blog, I'm over prefolds--ready to move on. I've been dying to try their other products because Thirsties is a very well rounded cloth diaper company.
I love that Thirsties offers so many different types of diapers, and they are expanding their accessory line too. (Have you heard about their new Booty Love cloth diaper safe ointment?) Their prints and colors are super cute and the materials are high quality. As our stash is growing to include more fitteds and pockets, I reached out to the most versatile diaper company I know. Thirsties was very happy to send me a Duo Fab Fitted Diaper system for review.
(L) Duo Fab Fitted (R) Duo Wrap Size 2 Smallest rise
(L) Duo Fab Fitted (R) Duo Wrap Size 2 Largest rise
Sizing.Thirsties Cloth Diapers and Accessories has a unique sizing system called the "Duo" size. Instead of needing 3-4 different size diapers for your baby, you can rest assured that their two sizes will fit baby newborn through potty training. I can vouch for the fact that size 1 did fit G as a newborn, and I'm sure they'll fit her until we potty train. She wore her size 1 Duo wraps for 8 months and has only recently switched to the size 2 Duo sizes. She would probably still be wearing size 1 Duos, but her cute little chubby thighs needed more room.
wear around the house without a cover
Fit. Because G is right in the middle of the weight ranges for size 1 (6 - 18 lbs) and size 2 (18 - 40 lbs), I was a bit nervous for the size 2 Duo Fab Fitted diaper coming our way. Luckily the smallest rise fits like a glove! The elastic waist and leg areas offer the perfect balance of snuggness and comfort. The diaper rides close to her skin but has plenty of give (I was able to pull it back without bothering her at all). The Duo Wrap covers the Fab Fitted AND a hemp insert on the same settings. G has never had red marks from any Thirsties' product--including our new Fab Fitted.
buttery soft on the inside,
super cute on the outside
Price Point & Quality Materials. In my opinion, Thirsties is competitively-priced and very high quality (all while being made in the USA). Remember to factor in that you only need to buy 2 Thirsties' sizes (compared to 3+ sizes in many brands) for birth-potty training. The Duo Wraps are pliable and light. They are made from 100% Polyester urethane laminate (PUL) and come in five super cute prints or nine colors. The retail price is $12.75 for colors and a dollar more for prints. The Duo Fab Fitted diapers are as soft as the babies' bottoms they cover. They are made from 85% cotton and 15% polyester on the outside and 100% polyester on the inside. The retail price is $17 for any of the 6 color options. Both the diaper and wrap are offered in Aplix hook & loop closure or snaps. The hemp inserts are 55% hemp and 45% cotton. They are twice as absorbent as cotton inserts, without adding a lot of bulk. I would never send G to bed without a Thirsties hemp product. I had been using our Thirsties' hemp prefolds as doublers, but now with our new hemp inserts, her night time diaper is even less bulky! They retail at $8 for a two pack.
stuffed for night time
Leak Proof. Thirsties is especially known for their diaper covers. Most cloth diaper moms I've talked to have at least one Thirsties' cover in their stash. Thirsties' Duo Wraps feature signature twin leg gussets that offer great leak protection--that G's put to the test countless times. We've never had anything come out the legs while using Thirsties' covers, but there have been several near-blow-outs that the gussets have saved! We have, however, had some blow-outs come out the back while using non-snappied prefolds. That's why I love the Fab Fitted Diaper--it does a great job of containing renegade poop so that the cover isn't even touched! I've never had a single leak or blow out using the Fab Fitted Diaper and Duo Wrap. The Fab Fitted itself is also great for absorption, while keeping baby's skin protected from wetness with it's stay-dry inner.
Ease of Use. These diapers are really easy to use! Set the rise snaps on your preferred setting and forget about it until baby grows. I've also got our waist settings memorized--but that isn't even necessary if you opt for the Aplix closure. I prefer snaps so that grabby-handed G can't undo her diaper, but I do have experience with Thirsties' Aplix from when she was a newborn. It's definitely high quality and was still in like-new condition after 4 months of heavy use. The only downside to a fitted diaper is that I have to put two things on G during a diaper change--put the upside to that is that the cover can be used several times before needing washed. For night time, put the Fab Fitted on baby. Place a hemp insert in the DuoWrap and the put the cover/insert combo on top of that
Duo Fab Fitted sleeve
Cool Feature. The Thirsties' Duo Fab Fitted has a unique tunnel design! In the picture you can see the brighter white area, that's the soaker. It's attached only on the sides, so that you can stuff an insert under it from the front or back for extra absorbency! The soaker is plush and thick, but if you have a very heavy-wetter or want to double up at night, add a Thirsties' Fab Doubler in between the soaker and the Fab Fitted's outer shell. The insert will stay in place perfectly! Use an insert in the tunnel AND one in between the Fab Fitted and Duo Wrap for the heaviest wetters at night time, and sleep easy knowing your baby is kept dry.
Green Company & Made in America. I knew Thirsties was focused on sustainability (what cloth diaper company isn't?), but I realized just how deep it went when I received my diaper in a fancy "EcoEnclose" mailing package that breaks down in landfills! They have local (Colorado) work-at-home-moms sew many of their products, and everything they do is focused on minimizing fuel-use. Their warehouse is 100% wind-powered!
You can read all of Thirsties' green pride points on their website.
"We do source all our components for our diapers from the US. The only thing we cannot buy locally is the Hemp/Cotton but we do have it knit here in the US. All our diapers are sewn locally and many by work at home moms. We encourage all our customers to buy local and help support their own economies!" - Jessica, Thirsties Customer Support
Check out Thirsties' website to request or download the current catalog. I got one with my diaper, and I have to tell you, there is something so fun about browsing fluff on paper (especially when it's VOC free and made from post-consumer content)!
You can purchase Thirsties diapers from many retailers; see their "where to buy" tab. Thirsties' also has an active Facebook Page, here.
Thirsties has graciously offered one Letters from Momma reader a free Duo Fab Fitted cloth diaper, Duo Wrap, and Hemp Inserts. Winner will have choice of closure, color, and size.
Enter to win using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to US and Canada.
I received a Thirsties' Duo Fab Fitted Diaper, Duo Diaper Cover, and a pair of Hemp Inserts to facilitate this review. Prize will be sent from Thirsties, Inc. All opinions are my own, yours may differ. Not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by Facebook. Entries involving Facebook are not mandatory, and Facebook has no liability for this giveaway. Ends 11/27 at 12:01 AM Eastern.
I have tried Thirsties before. I love the fit of their duo diapers and wraps. Plus their wraps work really well over prefolds to prevent leaks. I wasn't a fan of the duo diaper absorbency; it had several leaks while I used it.
For the Duo Fab Fitted, I love the Meadow color! For the Duo Wrap, I love the Hoot print! I prefer snaps over aplix because they last longer and when baby gets older, they're more difficult to unlatch!
We have a thirsties pre-fold and its our night time only diaper for our 2 yr old. one of the few diapers that can hold her for the 11 hours at night anymore
I only have one Thirsties item - a wrap cover - and I absolutely love it. It was the only cover that fit my baby when he was a newborn, and it fits him excellently well now at 13lbs. The adjustable rise snaps and the double gussetted legs make for a great fit! to_jill at hotmail.com
I have tried the Duo diaper and love them! They work for us for nights and don't leak. I would love to also try the fitted and the hemp prefolds. fmgrice2(at)yahoo(dot)com
I have not tried them - my stash for the baby-to-be is primarily FB with some prefolds and coveres... but I've started to hear really good things about thirsties and I would love to try them out!! weezermcdoo at gmail.com
Honeydew for the fitted and Alice Brights for the cover! Definitely the snaps... I toyed with getting more velco because my partner has fumbly think fingers, but I think the snaps will suit us better overall!
I am a first time mom so I have never used Thirsties before. My main reason for wanting to try them is the rave reviews I have heard from a couple of my friends who swear by them!
I love the 'ocean blue' colour for the duo fab fitted, and the 'blackbird' for the duo cover. I have heard that snaps are preferable so that the diapers don't all stick together in the washing machine!
We have not tried Thirsties diapers yet but we use only cloth diapers and would love to add Thirsties to our stash. I have heard very good things about this diaper!
For the Duo Fab Fitted I would choose the Meadow color and for the Duo Cover I would choose the Celery color. I prefer Aplix because it's faster with wiggle babies!
I would love to have the duo fab fitted in orchid size 2 and the duo wrap in size 2 alice brights.I would like snaps. So wish I could afford to buy from them!!!!
I haven't tried them yet (for obvious reasons!) but I do have a few Thirsties prefolds, a few fitted diapers, a few Duo covers, and a few sized covers all ready to go. I love that they are made in America (especially that their warehouse is in my hometown!) and that they are environmentally responsible.
I LOVE the two Thirsties diapers I have tried. I have a Thirsties duo wrap and a duo fab fitted. LOVE BOTH OF THEM. I like that the wrap is trim, has the gussets, and love the print. Thanks for the giveaway. Sarah Jane mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
Yes I've tried the duo wraps and the hemp prefolds before. I didn't like the prefolds too much just because it grew mildew spots very easily on it, despite my inumerous effforts to keep it away. I just don't know what was up with that. The Duo wraps are my favorite night time diapers ever!!! So I hold it close to my heart. We haven't tried the fab fitteds yet, but I'd really love to if we get a chance.
I have never tried Thirsties products before. After reading this review I am VERY interested in trying out this combo for night time. Sadly, I have never found a good cloth diaper combo for my 2 tummy-sleeping boys so we use 1 sposie a night for each of them. I'd LOVE to be a 100% cloth diaper-using family!
I've never tried them, but we have our 3rd child due in Feb & I would very much like to make the switch to cloth diapering this time around & trying these out would be a great start!
were new to fitteds and covers. i thought that they would be so hard. i havent tried anything but AIOs, pockets, and ecnobums. id love to explore into fitteds and covers more
I haven't tried thirsties yet... It's the one brand I havent tried but can't wait to because I've heard so many good things about it. I can't wait to see how thirsties compares to my other favorite brands and if it too becomes a favorite! :)
Was lucky to find some used Thirstie fitteds and wraps when we first started cloth diapering. They are an older version but were our favorite diaper when our LO was a newborn. Super absorbent and such cute colors - and, very hubby friendly! Would love to try the newer version - especially since you can add in soakers to them!
I haven't tried Thirsties yet. We're expecting in February and I plan on cloth diapering for the first time and am currently trying to build our stash jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I've been using the Thirsties duo wrap for a while and love it, and have been trying a duo diaper now too. I'd love to try the fab fitted. I'm really impressed with the quality and design of their products. mary michaud
I have not tried thirsties but I would love to try a fitted diaper. My baby still nurses several times at night and I would love to get her a fitted for nighttime to decrease nighttime leaks.
I have yet to try Thirsties diapers since my LO isn't set to arrive for a few more weeks but I do have six duo wraps that I bought second hand and a new duo diaper that I can't wait to try! The fitted is next on my list to get :) Great review by the way! It made me want to go stock up on Thirsties brand items :)
I would choose Meadow for the fitted and the wrap. I am undecided if I like snaps/aplix better. Aplix is easier especially for babysitters and grandparnts.. but gets stuck on the carpet/blankets, etc. menzies @ bell dot net
I'm a huge Thirsties fan and the Duo Diapers are my favorite because of how easy they are and how great they fit all the way up through potty training.
I have not tried a thirsties diaper. I would love to though because I have heard they are great for night time and we are having trouble with our bg leaking.
I've never tried them before, but I have read many positive reviews of them and they look like an amazing product. I'm due in december with my second little boy and this time around I'm considering cloth-diapering to go green. I'd love to give these a whirl!
i use the thirsties duo covers and i love them i used it over my prefolds and i really love mine and i do recommend them to anyone who would like to cloth diaper and they are on a budget
I have a Cover and hemp prefold and LOVE it ... the cover is nice (though the gussets stain easily) but the prefold is AMAZING and hollow so easy to dry and OH-SO-SOFT krystylwaechter@gmail.com
I haven't tried them--my new one is due in December. They have gotten very good reviews so I think it would be a good option for us. Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
i have never tried the diapers but i loooove the wipes!! i have heard amazing things about the diapers though just not sure which i want to go with :) also with the amount i have already bought dont think the hubby will like me buying more just yet until we figure out what kind we like :)
I have not tried Thirsties yet, but my baby is not born yet. I like the leg gussets and style offered. All the good reviews helped me want to try these as well.
I have! Thirsties is my favorite cover hands down. I love love love the raspberry color cover. The color turns out so vibrant in pictures. Thanks to Thirsties for making such a great product!
I haven't tried Thirsties yet, but I really want to because of all the positive things I've read/heard about them! I am asking for money or gift cards to cloth diapering stores for my 18 month old this Christmas so we can buy her a few more diapers & Thirsties covers & duo hemp prefolds are first on our list of things to purchase!! =)
I haven't tried thirsties before. I would like to try them because I like the snap closures and would like to try the hemp inserts. tannis_z at excite dot com
I have several duo covers that I use with prefolds and I thought I would be sticking to that for a long time, but now you have me thinking I need to try out a fitted at bedtime!
Most of my covers are Thirsties Duo Wraps, I love them. My current favorite product are the Thirsties hemp prefold. I have been thinking of trying the Fab fitted for easy of use when we are out an about.
I love them because of the double leg gussets!!! I have the wraps size one ready for my new baby and a size 2 in rotation for my toddler. I wish my whole stash were exactly as you described! LOVE LOVE LOVE the colors and prints, too. So cute and trendy. The mango color is adorable, but Alice Brights is my fave.
Thirsties is my favorite diaper brand! We've been using them since Day 1. Right now, my favorite Thirsties combo is the Duo Wrap with a stay-dry insert. Easy peasy! maria.the.uncommon at gmail dot com
I have tried a Thirsties Duo Diaper, size 2. I just now feel like it is fitting my 2 year old without being too big/bulky, but he only wears it at night since he is potty trained. I would like to try a Thirsties Duo cover size 1 for my newborn.
Mango or Meadow in snaps and size 2 duo wrap in blackbird print in snaps for the wrap please! We love snap closure! sabrina radke on rafflecopter form sradke1024 at gmial dot com
I have not tried them, but I would really like to - I keep seeing their hemp prefolds popping up everywhere and I'm interested to try them and the inserts!
I'm a huge fan of Thirsties! I have one of their wraps. Their Fab Wipes are my FAVORITE and I love their Booty Luster. Ironically, I've never tried their diapers or inserts, I'd love to see what they're like! rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
I have not used thirsties before but I've heard only good things about it. I'm to to cloth diapering and I'd love to try it and compare it to the other brands out there.
I have a thirsties fitted diaper, but it is a really old one I got used from someone. I love it, but your looks way cooler!
ReplyDeleteI would love a meadow fitted with a hoot cover! Super cute! And I am with you on the snaps. C can undo velcro
ReplyDeleteI bought an used thirties duo when I first started cloth diapering and I love how absorbent it is..
ReplyDeleteI would like the Duo Fab Fitted in Mango with Snaps (I'm not a fan of velcro)
ReplyDeleteI have tried Thirsties before. I love the fit of their duo diapers and wraps. Plus their wraps work really well over prefolds to prevent leaks. I wasn't a fan of the duo diaper absorbency; it had several leaks while I used it.
ReplyDeleteI would love orchid for both and I am a snaps fan. :-)
ReplyDeleteI have never used Thirsties before! I love the double gussets and would love to give it a shot!
Angela Bailey
For the Duo Fab Fitted, I love the Meadow color!
ReplyDeleteFor the Duo Wrap, I love the Hoot print!
I prefer snaps over aplix because they last longer and when baby gets older, they're more difficult to unlatch!
Angela Bailey
I've used the Thirsties Duo Covers & love them!!
ReplyDeleteI prefer snaps, I'd love the blackbird duo print & the ocean blue fab fitted!
ReplyDeleteWe have a thirsties pre-fold and its our night time only diaper for our 2 yr old. one of the few diapers that can hold her for the 11 hours at night anymore
ReplyDeleteduo fab fitted i like the orchid color in snaps
ReplyDeleteduo wrap would be the hoot print in snaps
I have used Thirsties and they are my faves and go to night time diapers. LOVE thirsties!!!
ReplyDeletedebbie m
dmoretti1967 at yahoo dot com
i would love the fab fitted in mango with aplix and the duo cover in blackbirds in aplix.
ReplyDeletedebbie m
dmoretti1967 at yahoo dot com
I just received a Thirsties cover w/ inserts as a gift for our new baby. I'm excited to try it.
ReplyDeleteI have 1 thirsties diaper that a friend gave me and I love it, I've wanted to get some more for a while!
ReplyDeleteThirsties was the first cover we every used. Their duo wraps are my favorite, followed by the hemp prefolds.
ReplyDeletegothickornchic at gmail dot com
My fave product is the XS cover! So great for newborns because it is low rise out of the way of the umbilical cord.
ReplyDeleteI've only tried their covers and I love them!
ReplyDeletegraceink at yahoo dot com
I would choose the Duo Fab Fitted in ocean blue, aplix and the Duo Wrap in the Mud color, snaps...both size 2.
ReplyDeletegraceink at yahoo dot com
We have never tried Thirsties before. We are new to cloth diapering and would love to try them out.
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried Thirsties yet. I love the look of their diapers, especially the one with snaps, and the construction.
ReplyDeleteI love the meadow color for the duo fab fitted and the black bird for the duo wrap! I prefer snaps.
ReplyDeleteI would love the Duo Fab Fitted in Ocean Blue, and the Duo Wrap in Hoot. I prefer snaps. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI only have one Thirsties item - a wrap cover - and I absolutely love it. It was the only cover that fit my baby when he was a newborn, and it fits him excellently well now at 13lbs. The adjustable rise snaps and the double gussetted legs make for a great fit! to_jill at hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI'd like the mango fitted in aplix, and the Hoot print cover with snaps! to_jill at hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI have 1 Thirsties cover and I haven't used it yet because my DS is too small for it still.
ReplyDeletehannah8217 at yahoo dot com
I have tried the Duo diaper and love them! They work for us for nights and don't leak. I would love to also try the fitted and the hemp prefolds.
I would love the orchid fitted with an owl cover in snaps in size 2!
i haven't tried them but would love to because they are supposed to be great for leaks!
ReplyDeleteannae07 at aol dot com
i like the ocean blue paired w/ black bird print
ReplyDeletei prefer snaps
annae07 at aol dot com
I have not tried them - my stash for the baby-to-be is primarily FB with some prefolds and coveres... but I've started to hear really good things about thirsties and I would love to try them out!! weezermcdoo at gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHoneydew for the fitted and Alice Brights for the cover! Definitely the snaps... I toyed with getting more velco because my partner has fumbly think fingers, but I think the snaps will suit us better overall!
ReplyDeleteWe have only used pockets and I have heard good things about these and would love to try them
ReplyDeleteI have tried Thirsties products. I love the hemp prefolds and inserts-LOVE!
ReplyDeleteVashti M
hun423 at hotmail.com
I choose an Ocean fitted and Blackbird cover. I prefer snaps :)
ReplyDeletehun423 at hotmail.con
I have never tried them but my daughter is pregnant and I would love to win so she can try them out!
ReplyDeleteI've tried their duo wraap and LOVE it!! I just wish there were a few more prints! I love the solid colors but I love prints more! :)
ReplyDeleteHmm I would pick go with snaps, size 2 and in Blackbird.
ReplyDeleteI am a first time mom so I have never used Thirsties before. My main reason for wanting to try them is the rave reviews I have heard from a couple of my friends who swear by them!
ReplyDeleteI love the 'ocean blue' colour for the duo fab fitted, and the 'blackbird' for the duo cover. I have heard that snaps are preferable so that the diapers don't all stick together in the washing machine!
ReplyDeleteWe have not tried Thirsties diapers yet but we use only cloth diapers and would love to add Thirsties to our stash. I have heard very good things about this diaper!
ReplyDeletecolljerr at comcast dot net
For the Duo Fab Fitted I would choose the Meadow color and for the Duo Cover I would choose the Celery color. I prefer Aplix because it's faster with wiggle babies!
ReplyDeletecolljerr at comcast dot net
We own one Thirsties cover, but since baby boy hasn't arrived, we haven't *tried* it. It seems like it'll fit great over our kissaluvs!
ReplyDeleteHoot cover with orange fitted would be super adorable. In snaps :)
ReplyDeleteI would love to have the duo fab fitted in orchid size 2 and the duo wrap in size 2 alice brights.I would like snaps. So wish I could afford to buy from them!!!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried them yet (for obvious reasons!) but I do have a few Thirsties prefolds, a few fitted diapers, a few Duo covers, and a few sized covers all ready to go. I love that they are made in America (especially that their warehouse is in my hometown!) and that they are environmentally responsible.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite print is the Blackbird and my favorite color for the fab fitted is the ocean blue.
ReplyDeleteYes, and I LOVE the duo fab fitteds! :-D GREAT for overnight!
ReplyDeleteI'd choose the black bird cover and the meadow fitted. :-)
ReplyDeleteI have not yet tried thirsties but would like to because they look so comfortable on babies.
ReplyDeleteI have a few thirsties covers, fitteds, and bum spray. I love them all!
ReplyDeleteBridgett zaidi
For the Duo fab I like the honeydew color and for the cover I like celery. I like snaps.
ReplyDeleteI like the ocen blue fitted and mud cover with snaps
ReplyDeleteBridgett zaidi
I have not used a thirsties diaper. I would like to try them when my first baby is born in June.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the two Thirsties diapers I have tried. I have a Thirsties duo wrap and a duo fab fitted. LOVE BOTH OF THEM. I like that the wrap is trim, has the gussets, and love the print. Thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteSarah Jane
mummytocharis at yahoo dot com
I have never used them, but I would love to because I always hear great things about them an have never read a bad review of their products.
I would choose the meadow duo fab fitted and the hoot duo wrap with aplix
Yes I've tried the duo wraps and the hemp prefolds before. I didn't like the prefolds too much just because it grew mildew spots very easily on it, despite my inumerous effforts to keep it away. I just don't know what was up with that.
ReplyDeleteThe Duo wraps are my favorite night time diapers ever!!! So I hold it close to my heart. We haven't tried the fab fitteds yet, but I'd really love to if we get a chance.
I like the duo fab fitted in honeydew, for the cover I love the blackbird print and I prefer aplix.
ReplyDeleteI've tried their covers, and I love the fit and the gussets. They are so far my favorite covers.
ReplyDeleteI have never tried Thirsties products before. After reading this review I am VERY interested in trying out this combo for night time. Sadly, I have never found a good cloth diaper combo for my 2 tummy-sleeping boys so we use 1 sposie a night for each of them. I'd LOVE to be a 100% cloth diaper-using family!
ReplyDeleteI'd pair the Meadow fitted with the Hoot cover!
ReplyDeleteLO will be here in December and would love to put some Thirsties in my ever growing stash!
ReplyDeleteI've never tried them, but we have our 3rd child due in Feb & I would very much like to make the switch to cloth diapering this time around & trying these out would be a great start!
ReplyDeleteKindra B
I like the orchid color & warm stripes pattern. I think I would prefer snaps.
were new to fitteds and covers. i thought that they would be so hard. i havent tried anything but AIOs, pockets, and ecnobums. id love to explore into fitteds and covers more
ReplyDeletegabby croshier
the hoot collection! and being allergic to gluten of all types it may be worth looking into this !
ReplyDeleteI ADORE their hemp inserts! (And when CDing a newborn, their covers are the BEST!)
ReplyDeletei love their duo wrap for all of my 3 boys
i like the hoot print and prefer aplix
ReplyDeleteI've never tried these before, or any cloth diaper for that matter. I want to win this so I can start cloth diapering my 8 month old!
ReplyDeleteI'd love an Ocean Blue fitted and Black Bird cover! And I think I'd prefer snaps.
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried thirsties yet... It's the one brand I havent tried but can't wait to because I've heard so many good things about it. I can't wait to see how thirsties compares to my other favorite brands and if it too becomes a favorite! :)
ReplyDeleteI have not tried Thirsties before, but would love to!
I'd choose the black bird cover and the meadow fitted!
I have one of the fitteds and it's great. I can't wait to add more to my stash.
ReplyDeleteLove Thirsties! Their Duo Diaper is my favorite product!
ReplyDeleteI would choose Meadow for the fitted and Mud for the wrap! I prefer Snaps.
ReplyDeleteWas lucky to find some used Thirstie fitteds and wraps when we first started cloth diapering. They are an older version but were our favorite diaper when our LO was a newborn. Super absorbent and such cute colors - and, very hubby friendly! Would love to try the newer version - especially since you can add in soakers to them!
ReplyDeleteSo far we've only tried the Duo Wrap -- and it works wonderfully, especially in our nighttime routine :) ngiraldi at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI'd choose the Fitted in Mango and Wrap in Warm Stripes -- with Aplix. ngiraldi at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI have tried thirsties and my favorite product is the duo wrap
ReplyDeleteI like the mango color and the hoot print. I like snaps best.
I have not tried them yet but only because I'm new to cloth diapering and my baby girl wont be here til early January!
ReplyDeleteI've never tried Thirsties before, but I'd like to try them because I've heard good things about their absorbency and fit.
ReplyDeleteI'd love an ocean blue fitted and blackbird duo cover in snaps.
ReplyDeleteI have tried thirsties... just the duo wrap with prefolds (not thirsties prefolds). I really liked it but my boy has since outgrown the size 1's.
ReplyDelete(Rachel N on raffelcopter)
I would get the Hoot wrap and the Ocean Blue fitted. I would choose snaps.
ReplyDelete(Rachel N on raffelcopter)
I haven't tried Thirsties yet. We're expecting in February and I plan on cloth diapering for the first time and am currently trying to build our stash
ReplyDeletejjak2003 at gmail dot com
I've never tried Thirsties before but I'm really wanting to try their fitteds for overnight. I've heard great things!
ReplyDeleteI love honeydew or orchid for the fitted and blackbird for the wrap. And I am definitely for snaps. :-)
ReplyDeleteI have never used thristies and in fact, I have never tried cloth diapering and I would really like to give it a shot.
I like the ocean blue and the cool stripes cover
I recently got a thirsties fitted and I love it! I want more :)
ReplyDeleteI like the Hoot cover and the Ocen Blue fitted size 2 smhourihan @ gmail . com
ReplyDeleteI have not tried Thirsties yet, but hear great things about them from friends!
ReplyDeleteJewellee19 @ yahoo . com
I like the Meadow and Honeydew and ocean blue with the snaps. I don't know, there are so many great colors!! I guess it depends on my mood!
ReplyDeleteI love the Thirsties Duo diaper wraps. I haven't tried the fitteds but I would really like to.
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried them. I will be new to cloth diapering when my baby is born next month, and these sound like a great option.
ReplyDeleteI've been using the Thirsties duo wrap for a while and love it, and have been trying a duo diaper now too. I'd love to try the fab fitted. I'm really impressed with the quality and design of their products.
ReplyDeletemary michaud
i'd choose the honeydew fitted and cool stripes wrap, both in snaps and size one!
ReplyDeletemary michaud
I've never tried them, but I think thedouble gussets are great!
ReplyDeleteclaude campeau
I'd love orchid and warm stripes with snaps
ReplyDeleteclaude campeau
I have not tried thirsties but I would love to try a fitted diaper. My baby still nurses several times at night and I would love to get her a fitted for nighttime to decrease nighttime leaks.
ReplyDeletewe just outgrew our thirsties fitted and cover..very sad b/c it was a go to for night time!
ReplyDeletei would like the blackbird cover and white fitted. i like aplix, but LO can undo thirsties so i would get snaps!
ReplyDeleteI've used a Thirsties Duo Pocket and Thirsties Hemp inserts. Love the inserts but the pocket diaper just didn't fit my daughter well enough.
ReplyDeleteI'd choose Orchid in Alice Brights in snaps.
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried them yet, but I do have one in my stash and they look like they'll be great, so I'd love to add another one!
ReplyDeleteI would love the "Mango" fitted and "Hoot" wrap in snaps! That print is so cute!
ReplyDeleteI love my Thirsties Fab Fitted & Duo Wraps! They work amazingly well!
ReplyDeleteI would pick the Ocean Blue Fab Fitted and Duo Wrap in Blackbird, both in snaps.
ReplyDeleteI have not tried them before but would love to because I hear a lot of good about the brand. :D
We used Thirsties covers for J when she was a newborn and they worked great!
ReplyDeleteI love the meadow color of fab fitted and the owls on the hoot patterned cover!
ReplyDeleteOops, and I prefer snaps!
ReplyDeleteI have never tried thirsties before but I love my flip covers and inserts and would like to see how they compare
ReplyDeleteI would love to have the Duo cover in Alice Brights
ReplyDeleteI have yet to try Thirsties diapers since my LO isn't set to arrive for a few more weeks but I do have six duo wraps that I bought second hand and a new duo diaper that I can't wait to try! The fitted is next on my list to get :) Great review by the way! It made me want to go stock up on Thirsties brand items :)
ReplyDeleteI really love the mango for the fitted and the hoot for the cover, and I prefer snaps
ReplyDeleteduo diaper!
ReplyDeleteI have not tried them but I like them because of the affordable price and they have a lot of positive reviews
ReplyDeleteI like the orchid color and the snaps better.
ReplyDeletei have not but would like to, their sustainability efforts are impressive! scg00387 at yahoo dto com
ReplyDeleteI have used the Thirsties Duo Wrap over prefolds. Love those double gussets! They keep in messes very well.
ReplyDeleteI would like the Fitted in Orchid and the Wrap in Alice Brights both with snaps.
ReplyDeleteI have never tried Thirsties before and will be cloth diapering baby #2 so would love to win one.
ReplyDeletewhite fitted and black bird cover
ReplyDeleteI've tried their covers. I thought they fit my newborn well and kept him dry!
ReplyDeleteI would like to try thirsties because I am looking for a good solution to our heavy wetting problem.
ReplyDeleteI would choose Meadow for the fitted and the wrap.
ReplyDeleteI am undecided if I like snaps/aplix better. Aplix is easier especially for babysitters and grandparnts.. but gets stuck on the carpet/blankets, etc. menzies @ bell dot net
I'm a huge Thirsties fan and the Duo Diapers are my favorite because of how easy they are and how great they fit all the way up through potty training.
ReplyDeleteI'd love the fab fitted in Meadow green, and a cover in the Cool Stripes print. I like snaps best.
ReplyDeleteI love the fad fitted in meadow green and the cool stripes cover.
ReplyDeleteI have not tried them but would like to because I hear hemp is a very absorbent diaper material
ReplyDeletei like the meadow with the cool strips wrap with the snaps
ReplyDeleteHave heard great things about Thirsties. Would love to try them out! Think the fab duo looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteLove the Duo diaper.
ReplyDeleteLove ocean blue and blackbird print!
ReplyDeleteI have not tried a thirsties diaper. I would love to though because I have heard they are great for night time and we are having trouble with our bg leaking.
ReplyDeleteI've never tried them before, but I have read many positive reviews of them and they look like an amazing product. I'm due in december with my second little boy and this time around I'm considering cloth-diapering to go green. I'd love to give these a whirl!
ReplyDeletehookedonafeline999 at yahoo dot com
i use the thirsties duo covers and i love them i used it over my prefolds and i really love mine and i do recommend them to anyone who would like to cloth diaper and they are on a budget
ReplyDeletei would love the fab fitted in these colors ocean blue and orchid in aplix and the cover in black bird all in a size 2 if possible
ReplyDeleteBonnie Rodriguez
I love the duo snap cover.
ReplyDeleteI would like an ocean blue fab fitted and a hoot duo wrap snap in size 2.
ReplyDeleteI have a Cover and hemp prefold and LOVE it ... the cover is nice (though the gussets stain easily) but the prefold is AMAZING and hollow so easy to dry and OH-SO-SOFT krystylwaechter@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would love the baby bird lavender with snaps <3 krystylwaechter@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried them--my new one is due in December. They have gotten very good reviews so I think it would be a good option for us.
ReplyDeleteJennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
i have never tried the diapers but i loooove the wipes!! i have heard amazing things about the diapers though just not sure which i want to go with :) also with the amount i have already bought dont think the hubby will like me buying more just yet until we figure out what kind we like :)
ReplyDeletedup wrap i think... in black bird with snaps... dont like velcrow!!
ReplyDeleteI love thirsties! I have been wanting to try the duo hemp inserts!
ReplyDeleteMeadow and Hoot with velcro closures!
ReplyDeleteI have a duo wrap diaper and love it! I would love more. That is the only Thirsties product I have.
ReplyDeletemango and hoot with velcro closures
ReplyDeleteI love love love our thirsties duo covers!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have a duo wrap diaper and love it.
ReplyDeleteMeadow and hoot!
ReplyDeleteI have not tried Thirsties yet, but my baby is not born yet. I like the leg gussets and style offered. All the good reviews helped me want to try these as well.
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried them yet, but heard they have great covers for newborns - so I'm eager to give them a try.
ReplyDeletejsapalio at yahoo dot com
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI like ocean blue and snaps for both.
ReplyDeletejsapalio at yahoo dot com
I exclusively use thirsties sized covers and duo wraps. I have never had a blow out, even with breastfed newborn poop!
ReplyDeleteI just bought 3 Thirsties DUO Wraps & LOVE them!! I have yet to have a blowout with them. We are using them over prefolds. =]
ReplyDeleteI would love the duo fab fitted in orchid. I like the duo wraps in warm stripes or alice brights. Definately aplix for me, DH doesn't do snaps.
ReplyDeleteI have! Thirsties is my favorite cover hands down. I love love love the raspberry color cover. The color turns out so vibrant in pictures. Thanks to Thirsties for making such a great product!
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried Thirsties yet, but I really want to because of all the positive things I've read/heard about them! I am asking for money or gift cards to cloth diapering stores for my 18 month old this Christmas so we can buy her a few more diapers & Thirsties covers & duo hemp prefolds are first on our list of things to purchase!! =)
ReplyDeleteI like the Orchid Duo Diaper with the Alice Brights Duo Wrap. How could you not be happy when looking at that combo while changing a diaper?!?! =)
ReplyDeleteI have one Thirsties cover and really like it. I would like to buy even more for my stash.
ReplyDeleteI would love to try Thirsties when my lil one arrives because I have heard such great things about them. I also love the hemp prefolds.
ReplyDeleteOcean blue or orchid and I prefer snaps although that may change when the lil one is here.
ReplyDeletei LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the duo wrap. it works SO well.
I haven't tried thirsties before. I would like to try them because I like the snap closures and would like to try the hemp inserts.
ReplyDeletetannis_z at excite dot com
hoot wrap, honeydew fitted and snaps!
ReplyDeletetannis_z at excite dot com
I have several duo covers that I use with prefolds and I thought I would be sticking to that for a long time, but now you have me thinking I need to try out a fitted at bedtime!
ReplyDeleteMost of my covers are Thirsties Duo Wraps, I love them. My current favorite product are the Thirsties hemp prefold. I have been thinking of trying the Fab fitted for easy of use when we are out an about.
ReplyDeleteI would chose a meadow fitted and a mud duo wrap.
ReplyDeleteI love them because of the double leg gussets!!! I have the wraps size one ready for my new baby and a size 2 in rotation for my toddler. I wish my whole stash were exactly as you described! LOVE LOVE LOVE the colors and prints, too. So cute and trendy. The mango color is adorable, but Alice Brights is my fave.
ReplyDeleteI'd like a mango fab fitted and a hoot cover preferably in size 1. I like snaps!
ReplyDeleteWould love to try a fitted! I have never tried Thirsties brand, but hear good things abt them.
ReplyDeleteThirsties is my favorite diaper brand! We've been using them since Day 1. Right now, my favorite Thirsties combo is the Duo Wrap with a stay-dry insert. Easy peasy!
ReplyDeletemaria.the.uncommon at gmail dot com
I have tried a Thirsties Duo Diaper, size 2. I just now feel like it is fitting my 2 year old without being too big/bulky, but he only wears it at night since he is potty trained. I would like to try a Thirsties Duo cover size 1 for my newborn.
ReplyDeleteI like the Ocean Blue w/ BlackBird cover size one, aplix preferably.
ReplyDeleteI have tried the Thirsties Duo Fab Fitted and use it as my son's nighttime diaper. It works great and I could use another :)
ReplyDeleteI havn't tried thirsties but I have tried other cloth diapers and I have been wanting to try these to see how they compare.
ReplyDeleteI like snaps. and I would like the duo fab fitted in orchid and the cover in warm stripes
ReplyDeleteI love everything we have tried from Thirsties: wipes, hemp inserts and duo wraps!
ReplyDeletesabrina radke on rafflecopter form
sradke1024 at gmail dot com
Mango or Meadow in snaps and size 2 duo wrap in blackbird print in snaps for the wrap please! We love snap closure!
ReplyDeletesabrina radke on rafflecopter form
sradke1024 at gmial dot com
I have never tried them before, but would love it for my friend.
ReplyDeleteI have not tried them, but I would really like to - I keep seeing their hemp prefolds popping up everywhere and I'm interested to try them and the inserts!
ReplyDeleteMeadow and Blackbird with snaps! The snaps look so much better!
ReplyDeleteI'm a huge fan of Thirsties! I have one of their wraps. Their Fab Wipes are my FAVORITE and I love their Booty Luster. Ironically, I've never tried their diapers or inserts, I'd love to see what they're like!
ReplyDeleterasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Snaps. And I like the Mango for the fab fitted and the Black Bird for the wrap.
ReplyDeleteI have not used thirsties before but I've heard only good things about it. I'm to to cloth diapering and I'd love to try it and compare it to the other brands out there.
ReplyDeleteI like thirsties covers, they fit great over my diapers and the OS covers work for all 3 of my children(35#, 25# and 13#)
I'd like the blue and baby bird blue diaper and cover
I have never tried them, but I have seen so many great reviews for them!
ReplyDeleteI've never tried them, but since I've only used pockets I'm interested in testing a new system and Thirsties are highly recommended!
ReplyDeletekatalexandra at gmail dot com
I'd choose the Alice Brights print in snaps!
ReplyDeletekatalexandra at gmail dot com
I haven't tried Thirsties before but all my friends are switching to cloth diapers and they love this brand! : )