
Friday, December 02, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday

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Welcome if you are visiting from the link-up at Conversion Diary! This is my first week doing 7 quick takes. I've read it on Catholic Newlywed and NFP & Me, so I decided to join in the fun this week. I write mostly about being a momma to my beautiful and wiggley daughter, baby G. We use cloth diapers, breastfeed, and our biggest woes right now are teething and sleep!

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G made this hilarious face the other night while eating her favorite, Sweet Potatoes. I had to share!
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One of my Advent goals is to attend Wednesday mass each week during Advent. We made it this week, but we were late. It seemed like everything was against us making it there on time. G slept in (never happens) and when she did wake up, she had the biggest blow out poop EVER. It was so bad I had to give her a bath. This delayed everything. Breakfast was rushed, I kept spilling her Cheerios and my water. It was all I could manage to throw my hair back into a pony tail and throw a nice coat over a t-shirt to make myself presentable. G was excited to go buh-bye, but got mad and started crying when I realized I forgot something and we had to go back up the stairs. I had to calm her down. We finally got in the car and had to wait 5 minutes at the longest stop light in the world. Once we were inside (Responsorial Psalm) and seated in a pew, she decided to be the cutest little babbler in the world. It drew all kinds of attention, and so I felt our only option was to head to the dreaded quiet room. Luckily we were the only people in there. Mass was nice, but I'm really hoping next week is smoother!

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If you use cloth diapers, please consider entering my current giveaway (ending on 12/5 at 11 PM central) for Eco Sprout Detergent. After using up all that I received to review, I ordered a 96 ounce bag, bought a 48 ounce bag at my local cloth diaper store (because my online order didn't get here in time), AND got a free 24 ounce bag as part of "Black Friday." It's a good thing I LOVE it!

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My birthday is next weekend, and my husband's work is have their holiday parties--so my sister is coming into town to hang out with me and babysit G at night so that we can go to the dinner/dances. I am really looking forward to her visit :-)
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In case you are rich and/or generous, this is my "wish list" for birthday gifts ;-)

  • new running shoes
  • 1 new pair of jeans
  • biscuit cutter(s)
  • "real" winter boots (not just the cute furry kind)
  • a bread maker?
  • a new mattress (ours is over 20 years old, hand-me down from my aunt)
  • a new Mac (hahah, I'm sure you're all running out to your nearest Apple store to get me one RIGHT NOW)
  • gas cards / gift cards to coffee places / gift cards to Target

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I'm not ready for winter and neither is this little girl!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Happy early Birthday! I'm so with you on the mattress thing, our is a hand me down from my parents. They got it when they got married...35 years ago! I always scoff at that commercial about needing to replace it if it's over 8 years old. We decided to go the cheap route and bought a mattress topper for it. :)

    Also, if someone gets you that new Mac send them my way because I would kill for an iPad.

  2. Welcome to the quick takes family. Your daughter is adorable. Cloth wipes are the best; good luck with the transition!

  3. I just plan on leaving 15 minutes before my normal leaving time to go anywhere -- my 2.5 year old or I will always take too much time getting dressed, he'll get lost walking to the car, or something else will happen. :)


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