
Monday, December 05, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

This week is a busy week! My sister is coming in town, it's my birthday week, and my husband's work is having their Holiday Party and Annual Meeting. Therefore, this week is really easy on me...and probably boring for you! I promise my menu plan will be more exciting next week :-) If you'd like more ideas, check out my recipe page that lists some of my personal or adapted recipes, including the super easy Faj-ritos I made this past week. I'd also like to hear any recipes you have for the 8 pound bag of oranges we bought for $3.99 this weekend. They smell and look delicious, but aside from eating them plain...any ideas?

Here's our menu:

Monday: Crock Pot Chili
Tuesday: leftovers
Wednesday: leftovers for the husband, I'm going to Panera with a dear friend (who happens to be Vegan)
Thursday: Hot Dog Macaroni & Cheese Casserole (It is soooo yummy (and a great comfort food)! I'm making it for my sister.)
Friday: leftovers for my sister, our dinner is at the holiday party
Saturday: Rice or pasta for my sister, our dinner is at the annual meeting
Sunday: my birthday dinner! Scallops and Pasta :-)

Thanks for joining me for Menu Plan Monday, which is linked up at

I would also like to invite you to enter my Seventh Generation Kitchen Pack giveaway! You're able to enter to win the new Seventh Generation Natural Dish Liquid, a Le Creuset Casserole Dish, Scour Pads, Sponges, and Organic Cotton Dish Cloths ($80+ RV).


  1. I don't know what to do with the actual oranges but if you put to peels in water on the stove with some cloves and/or cinnamon, it will make your house smell heavenly!

  2. I love checking out other people's menu plans. It always helps me to plan different meals for my family. Thanks!


Thanks for leaving a comment! Have a great day!