
Saturday, March 03, 2012

BFBBP: Green Toys Stacking Cups Giveaway

I really wanted to include a toy company in the Babies First Birthday Blog Party. I try to focus on mostly-crunchy living at Letters from Momma, so I did an Internet search for "green toy companies." Because Google is awesome, I instantly found Green Toys, Inc. I perused their products and was really pleased to find a variety of options for kids of all ages. They agreed to participate in the BFBBP by sending baby G a set of Stacking Cups to review & share with another baby through a giveaway. I just love environmentally friendly toys that are made in the USA.

Why Green Toys are great for one-year-olds
Green Toys Inc. makes an awesome line of classic children’s toys constructed from recycled plastic and other environmentally friendly materials. This helps reduce fossil fuel use and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improving the overall health and happiness of the planet. -
My daughter has a few toys that are "off limits" until she stops sticking everything in her mouth. My husband is basically a BPA/phthalates free watchdog and the innocent rubber ducky didn't stand a chance. I know that we can't protect her from everything in the world, but limiting her exposure to unsafe chemicals is something we try to do. Of course, we aren't perfect at it...but thanks to Green Toys, our job got a little easier. I think that all parents should check out the wide variety of toys offered, because there really seems to be something for everyone. They have tea sets, building blocks, play food, cars & trucks, tool sets, jump ropes, and even practical Green Eats tableware.

Stacking Cups ($10.99)

Material. The Stacking Cups are made from recycled #2 HDPE plastic, like plastic milk containers. They are, however, free of BPA, PVC & phthalates. G's set has 2 purple, 2 green, and 2 blue colored cups. They even meet FDA food contact standards and are dishwasher safe.

Use. Green Toys Stacking Cups are six cups that nestle into each other. They can also be flipped over and stacked horizontally. The cups are numbered from 1-6, corresponding to the increase in size. As a math teacher, I love that the cups are also volumetrically accurate. If you fill cups 1 & 3 with water, for example, they will combine to fill cup 4! So after baby G has grown into my little math-lete, we can practice addition and subtraction with her stacking cups by Green Toys. They also make fun bath time toys for pouring water.

Baby G's Verdict. While the cups are appropriate for ages 6 months & older, G still isn't interested in actually stacking the cups. She will try to put one inside the other, but hasn't tried to stack them. She doesn't stack other toys either, despite my many, many, many attempts at showing her how to do so. G is great at knocking down my towers though :-) So far, hiding toys inside the bigger cups is her favorite thing to do with them. My husband also used them to play a variety of "finding the toy" games. We are both really happy with the quality of the cups and love that Green Toys exist. In a world full of chemicals, it's nice to have toys that are better for the environment and perfectly safe for our baby girl. 

You can purchase Green Toys on their website and at a number of local or online retailers! Be sure to follow them on TwitterFacebook--you'll also get bonus entries in the giveaway for doing so.

Green Toys Inc. has offered one Letters from Momma reader a free set of Stacking Cups! Open to US only. Enter to win using the new version of Rafflecopter form below. If you need help with Rafflecopter please contact me or see this video.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
I received the above products to facilitate this review. Prize will be sent from Green Toys. All opinions are my own, yours may differ. Not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by Facebook. Entries involving Facebook are not mandatory, and Facebook has no liability for this giveaway. Ends 3/19/12 at 12:01 AM Eastern. Open to US.


  1. Glad to hear that these wonderful toys are recycled. I'm a big supporter of recycled stuffs. We have to be supporters of these things, the Earth is suffering a lot already.

  2. Im trying to win these dor my daughter. She is 8 months old. Shes not stacking things yet.... But she will be soon im sure!

  3. Would love these for my kids, aged 3 years and six months. Great review!

  4. I would like to win these for my little 10 month old granddaughter! She loves to try and stack things!

  5. I would love to win this for our little one on the way!

    huntermb3 at gmail dot com

  6. Danielle Davis/GradyMarch 3, 2012 at 3:31 PM

    Im wanting to win this for my son who is almost 1 & he tries stacking things but hasnt mastered it yet :)
    Thank you!
    Suchaproudmama @

  7. My son is 14 months old and has been stacking for a while!

    shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

  8. I would love to win this for my 4 month old girl that hopefully will start stacking in a few months.

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  9. I am trying to win this for my 17 month old and yes she is starting to stack things.

  10. This is for my 19 month old son, who loves to stack and unstack, and my baby #2 who is due in August :)

    cmcosman at

  11. For my 5 1/2 month old son, who hasn't started stacking just yet :)

  12. I would get this for my daughter (2 years), knowing that baby #2 due in July would also get to play with them... eventually :) ngiraldi at gmail dot com

  13. this would be put away for my friends baby who is just a few months old

  14. I'd get this for my 10month old son whose just started to stack things

    Littlemamameow at gmail dot com

  15. I want to win this for my daughter, who is just now grabbing toys but I'm sure will be stacking before we know it. I've actually had my eye on these exact stacking cups for a while, they are so adorable (and I love that they are green and safe for baby!

  16. I'm trying to get this for my niece, she hasn't started to stack things yet, but soon!

  17. My little boy is going on 4 months old and even though I don't want him to grow up too fast...I can't wait until he's able to playfully interact more.

  18. I am trying to win this ty or my new little one. No she is not stacking yet.

  19. My daughter she is turning 2 this week and she loves stacking

  20. For my niece Nat!! She is 1 1 1/2 and love to stack

  21. I am trying to win this for my eight year old son. He stacks cups in PE at school and loves it!

    aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

  22. I am trying to win this for my little one who is due in May...its never to early to find good toys for when he's older.

  23. I am trying to win this for my 8 month old daughter. She has just started stacking her toys and would LOVE this!!

  24. this would be for my little guy-13 mo old and yes he's 'stacking' things!

  25. My son is 3 months old so no. His 2 and a half year old brother would probably love to test them out though! "Volumentrically accurate" made me laugh. Love it! We have a few of the Green Toys kitchen toys (skillet, spatula, etc. set) and it is really nice.

  26. My niece who will be born next month! i'm sure she'll be stackin' in no time.

  27. My niece would love these. She isn't stacking yet (6months) but I am sure she will soon
    beth.rees333 at gmail dot com

  28. I am trying to win it for my 1yr old who loves to stack things!

  29. I am trying to win this for my 3 month-old. She isn't stacking yet but she'll get there :)

  30. I would give this to my [yet unborn] nephew -- he'll arrive any day now!

  31. I'm thinking ahead and I'd love to win this for my baby. I am due August 14 and I could save this for a Christmas gift. not stacking blocks yet. (Nancy Partin)

  32. I am trying to win this for my 3 month old. He hasn't started stacking yet, but soon enough! Our family LOVES Green Toys!!

  33. I am trying to win this for my niece's little baby.
    Danielle S

  34. these would be perfect for my 16 month old daughter- she has been stacking blocks- but these look FUN!

  35. i would love to win this for my son. He's 2

  36. my 13 month son -- he has started stacking things within other things, but not building up (basically putting smaller inside bigger, but not smaller on top of bigger)

  37. I would love to win this for my 20m old son, he loves stacking stuff!

  38. My friend's 14 month old daughter. Not sure fi she's started stacking.

  39. I am trying to win this toy for my son. My son is 3 months old. My son has not started stacking objects yet.

  40. I want this for my 9 month old son. He hasn't started stacking things yet, but hopefully will soon!

  41. He's 4 month old and not yet stacking

  42. I would want to win this for my 1 year old grandson

  43. My good friends daughter who turns one at the end of March. She has started stacking a little bit.

  44. My baby girl is due in a couple months! She's not stacking stuff yet, but she's kicking my bladder as we speak!

  45. This would be for my new (and 1st) grandson. He is 6-months old. He hasn't started "stacking" toys yet (as far as I know), but he is progressing very fast - drinking from a sippy cup now, no more bottle.

  46. i'm winning this for my friend's newborn. nope haven't started stacking yet

  47. I'm trying to win this for my 18 month old. He loves stacking!

  48. Wanna win this for my one month old, she won't be stacking for a while but I'd love to have them around for when she does!

  49. Trying to win this for my 9 month old she just starting stacking!

  50. For my 6.5 month old son. He's not stacking yet, but boy does he love knocking over towers

  51. I'm winning this for my 3 mo. He is not stacking yet but like to reach for things.

  52. This would be shared by my girls. I love the math uses for the older girls and Hannah at two will love to stack them. Then the baby can use them when he gets older

  53. my 6 month old daughter and her 5 cousins (age range 6 months to pre school), some stack and some aren't able to as yet!

  54. I would love these for a very special friend that is having her first child in May.

  55. My son who is 18 months old. He loves to stack his toys and of course everthing goes in his mouth.

  56. My sister-in-law is about to have a new baby. This would be for them. Since the baby hasn't been born yet, he hasn't started stacking.

  57. I would love to win this for a certain family member who is expecting twins, they aren't born yet but I know they will love this!

  58. I would like to win this for my niece who is 9 months old. She'll be interested in this soon

  59. I would like this for a friend of mine who is having a baby in April. I like to give a shower gift that can be used later on.

  60. I'd love this for my daughter who just turned 9 months. Not stacking yet but maybe soon....

  61. I would love to win this for my daughter. She is only 2 months old right now.

  62. I would love this for my daughter! She is only 6 and a half months so she is not stacking quite yet but soon.....

  63. Nice posting! Green toys are actually very good for the kids specially for the 1 year old baby as this toys are safer that will not harm baby in case and baby will have full fun of it.


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