
Monday, October 01, 2012

Our Sunday Fundays

Generally, Sundays are the best day around here, because it's typically my husband's only day off from work.

Last Sunday we went to a Giant's game, courtesy of my husband's company, and G behaved really well, despite it being during nap time. We all had a lot of fun, ate ballpark food, and danced/clapped along with the music. We had bleacher seats that worked out really well, since G could move around easier. (we went to mass the night before to make the morning go more smoothly)
Yesterday we had a "lazy" day at home after going to mass (G behaved very well, except towards the end, but she's been crabby in general, due to canine teeth that are causing her a world of pain). Our lazy day included going through G's baby clothes and pulling out all the gender neutral things (we had a lot of since we waited to find out her sex at birth). I also organized everything and straightened up. My husband worked on fixing his computer that has a yucky virus (do people seriously have nothing better to do with their time!!! leave us be!)...
and G colored a lot, played in her tent, ate snacks, and whined a substantial amount because she wasn't the absolute center of attention (and her teeth hurt).
so you're wondering why there are 4? G, Daddy, Baby Boy, Momma ;-)
We all got a nice reward for our hard work--and had FroYo for dinner (although G and I both had snacks later on) :-) (I had done a lot of house cleaning on Saturday, so all that was left for Sunday was laundry)

It was lovely to have such a day of "relaxation" with all the hustle and bustle of moving going on around here.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain on the teething clingy-ness. We are experiencing it with canines in our house too, NOT FUN!


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