
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Spinnin' Saturday: A Little More You

This week's song is "A Little More You," by Little Big Town.
In our new (to us) car, I only have a 1 cd disc player, instead of the six I was used to in the Honda (bummer). Because of that, I tend to listen to the radio a lot more. When songs that I've heard a lot come on, I tend to change the station, in favor of newer songs that I'm still learning to sing along to. "A Little More You" is not one of those songs. I listen to it every time!

2007 summer
I listened to "A Little More You" a lot when my husband and I were still dating. We were really in love, but the situation was pretty tough on us. How could we be so young, but so in love? It caused one or both of us to question it several times, and occasionally we would hold back, or withdraw from the relationship. Sometimes we just needed a little more of each other.

I like the intro the best...that's probably why it catches me any time it's on---
Don't you wanna dive on in, yeah the water feels right
Dancin' on the edge of the love you're a beautiful sight

Here's a link to the video. I didn't post it in this blog because there are girls in bikinis in it, and I wasn't sure how 'family' appropriate it is... The song is innocent, and not profane at all--just trying to be super PG here ;-)

Write a post about a song stuck in your head, what it means to you (or just how catchy it is), include a link to my post and then return here to link-up (at the bottom of this post), so that others can get to your blog and read your Spinnin' Saturday post!

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